Say NO to Black Friday Say YES Len to Singing LIVE for our Crowdfunder Backers!
Instead of supporting global corporations today, you can do something meaningful by supporting local independents to take their premises into community ownership for permanently affordable rent:

A new EETG band has been pulled together with the support of Len’s friend Trevor Sharpe to raise the profile of our crowdfunding campaign in its final week! Rehearsals are underway and the recording of the Ben E King classic ‘Stand by Me’ takes place this Monday at Guild member’s Lightship 95, London’s floating studio! The band is made up of Len’s neighbours Ali Friend – on double bass, Fox – on backing vocals, Matt Fisher – on guitar, Trevor Sharpe – on drums, Sean Poe on saxophone and Justine Armatage on keyboards. Massive gratitude goes out to these musicians and to Giles Barrett at Lightship who have assembled this plan at lightning speed.
Everyone who contributes to the crowdfunder before the deadline of midnight on Friday 1st December will be invited to a live performance of ‘Stand By Me’ at Signature Brew E8. The recording will be released on social media next week. All backers also receive a 10% discount on Christmas Shopping at ethical indie retailer Luna & Curious, unlimited classes at TripSpace for £50, and those who chip in £20 or more get a coveted EETG tote bag. Let’s show Len we want to hear his voice! Please help us raise our goal with these three things;
- Chip in whatever you can afford or share the campaign with people if money is too tight;
- Copy and paste this text and share it in your WhatsApp groups; Help keep the distinctive character of the East End vibrant! Extortionate rents are pushing out small local businesses. Community ownership of premises is the best solution to keep rent affordable so East London can always be a place where diverse communities thrive. Please donate and share this initiative to take three Hackney Arches into community ownership. Together we can create permanent spaces in which to eat, play, shop, and be together:
- Please share on your social media, find the guild here; X – @EastEndTrades, Insta – @East_End_Trades_Guild, Facebook – @EastEndTradesGuild.
Funding is for costs to deliver a three-year plan together with Community Land Trust experts Community Led Housing. By creating affordable premises through a democratic process the Guild can permanently develop inclusive services and opportunities such as dance and well-being for the over 50s at TripSpace Yoga & Dance, apprenticeships for disadvantaged young people at JC Motors and live music for the LGBTQ+ community at music venue Signature Brew E8.
Did you know that an estimated 1.5 million tonnes of waste is produced in the UK on Black Friday alone? The majority of this waste is packaging, with an estimated 700,000 tonnes of cardboard and plastic packaging generated. Other major sources of waste on Black Friday include food waste, clothing waste, and electrical waste. 80% of products bought on Black Friday are said to end up in landfill, incinerated, or are recycled poorly.
Making a conscious consumer choice by supporting our crowdfunder won’t create any waste or environmental damage. But it will support the local community and will make you feel great for helping us reach our goal!
For more information about our crowdfunder please call: 07956 114224 or 07910 966738 or email: