Full TfL Story From Len’s Voice in Guild’s New Stronger Together Podcast!
Listen to our brand new podcast on acast here.
As many readers will know, since the ITV news item and with support from Green Party London Assembly Member Caroline Russell Len has met with Deputy Mayor for TfL Seb Dance. Len and the team from the Guild have proposed that TfL incorporate Social Value Leases to lead by example as a public landlord and demonstrate their responsibility to Londoners. This solution would enable JC Motors to stay on Stean Street.
In a recent development, Labour Assembly Member Sem Moema has secured a commitment from the Mayor of London to discuss Len’s case! The community’s support in all of this is genuinely helping, we really are stronger together!
However, we didn’t just want to twiddle our thumbs while waiting to hear back from Seb Dance about the next steps. So Len has had the great courage to give the full testimony of his treatment as a tenant of TfL for the first episode of our new podcast Stronger Together. We feel that the podcast medium enables an embodied voice and therefore the most authentic way for members to represent themselves, their stories and experiences.
We hope Seb Dance can work with Len and his team at the Guild. In the meantime, we need to be ready to follow through with action. If negotiations with Seb Dance and TfL don’t work out then we need to escalate the situation to Sadiq Khan and continue to build the momentum through a giant collective serenade to the Mayor of London.
Imagine if hundreds of us sang the Ben E King classic Stand by Me with the words Stand By Len! Together we can make this happen if we have to and we need your commitment to show up so we know how many people will come!
When we have appealed to the Mayor of London in the past he has always come good on his promises and we still need to hold him to account for the pledges he made before the last Mayoral election which include affordable rent for foundational businesses like Lens that provide social, cultural and environmental value to Londoners.
Sign up now so the team from the Guild can plan effectively. We will email everyone who signs up in the coming days. Together we are stronger! Use this link to add your voice so we can call on you if we need to serenade Sadiq: https://bit.ly/singwithlen