The EETG community is horrified by the racist and Islamophobic violence being enacted in Towns and Cities across the UK. We unequivocally condemn racism, Islamophobia and violence. This statement is to reach out to our Global Majority members, friends, and neighbours to offer solidarity and ask what support looks like at this deeply distressing time. We have begun a process of working with members with premises to ask them to become Safe Havens for those feeling unsafe and vulnerable to racist attacks or verbal abuse. 

We welcome critique and suggestions from the community on how to improve this idea and any other ways for the Guild to meaningfully support both the minority members and minority residents in the local community. If you have anything you would like to share on how we can support you please email us with your ideas: 

Simultaneously we continue our renewed and urgent campaign to #StandWithLen. Places for London have once again threatened Len’s vital Black-owned and run business with imminent displacement. Presenting Len with three impossible options that would all result in JC Motors being forced to leave the community it has been essential to supporting for 30 years. Places for London wants Len to choose one of these options by Tuesday 13th August or they will start forcing him out.

Please read and sign our updated letter to the Mayor of London here:

It makes sense that JC Motors has just become our first official Safe Haven as Len has been providing safety in his arch to hundreds of disadvantaged young people from minority backgrounds for decades. This is a big part of why his business is vital to the local community in Hackney and why he will not give up the fight to ensure his business stays where it is wanted and needed.  



The concept of Safe Havens enables communities to work together during times of breakdown, building trust between small businesses, residents and community groups who work together to support each other in solidarity. Acts of strengthening and deepening relationships between diverse groups have proven to reduce violence and bring greater feelings of community safety and cohesion for all. It’s a practical, supportive and peaceful action our members can take during these deeply worrying and distressing times. 

It is vital for people feeling vulnerable due to the racist and Islamophobic violence around the UK that community support is visible. The idea of Safe Havens came from Citizens UK City Safe Campaign in 2008. This campaign was a response to the tragic deaths of young people due to gang-related violence and enabled them to be a part of the solution. Some of our members have Safe Haven stickers on their windows. 

Of course, many Guild members and all types of organisations more broadly will instinctually provide safety to those in trouble, however, visible public support shows Global Majority people who are feeling deeply unsafe that there are Guild members and local spaces more broadly will offer help, solidarity and support when needed and wanted. Visibly becoming a Safe Haven also fosters a reciprocal exchange of greater safety both ways as the Guild motto goes – “Together we are Stronger”. 

The EETG is encouraging members to be Safe Havens for anyone feeling under threat of racist, Islamophobic, sexist, transphobic or homophobic abuse and violence. 


Our approach to Safe Havens is a work in progress. If you would like to help shape this work please fill out this short form. This is what we have so far:

  • Businesses / community groups with premises agree to offer their space as a Safe Haven to any person who is in danger. Showing empathy for anyone who enters your premises who is afraid of verbal or physical abuse and supporting them with a phone call so they can get help from friends, family and the emergency services. 
  • You agree to maintain and deepen your relationship with neighbours, police and the local community across race, class and gender
  • You agree to try to attend EETG training to support you in these actions if you can or send a staff member if that is possible (dates to follow)
  • Refuse to sell alcohol, knives or other dangerous items to underage, drunk or racially or sexually abusive customers.
  • Pledge to report 100% of crime to yourself and anyone else



This is an emergency response to a violent national crisis. We aim to reach out as soon as possible and update our online map so that anyone in danger can find help but this will take time. We have limited capacity so if you or your business can support us to roll out Safe Havens in a meaningful way please tell us in the form.

Once a business or group agrees to become a Safe Haven by filling in our form we suggest making a post on social media to make it public that you are there for anyone seeking safety from violent or verbal oppression and tag in the East End Trades Guild and all your local neighbours so we can share more broadly. We will also hold a 1.5 hour training session dates TBC.

Find the EETG on social media here:

Insta: @East_End_Trades_Guild

FB: @EastEndTradesGuild

X: @EastEndTrades